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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Thorny issue?

I was down with a viral fever since last Thursday and was so close to being unable to fulfill acoupla orders. After 4 days, I was so sick of being sick that I called my mom and she immediately instructed the Hubs to bring me back to her! Thank God for my mommy, who's super-gifted in the field of chinese medicine, she nursed me back to health in less than 10 hours!

I woke up feeling all better and happily completed this cake for T, who meant it as a surprise for a special lady. I'm so glad I can have it delivered to him too, saving him the trouble of finding his was down to MRT-less Katong! Sorry for being late - I realised I had to go through the "back" road to reach to the peak of Mt. Faber and not by Morse road.

I'm not entirely sure what a Cactus in bloom signifies, but I must say that it is quite cute. This one's a Dark chocolate fudge cactus, placed onto a "terracotta" pot. Hope your surprise was a success!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Next post

Sorry for being MIA for awhile now.
I promise pics in 2 weeks!

But as for right now, I'm feeling tired, mostly hungry and have developed superhuman smell abilities...

Chris Ur Baker

Saturday, April 05, 2008

156. Doctor's orders

Dear friends,

I've just been issued a Doctor's order to rest.
Which means, as much as I hate to disappoint, I will be unable to take future last minute orders.

Just a reminder though, please inform me at least 4 days in advance for regular cake & cookies orders (not including weekends) and 2 weeks advanced notice for Novelty cake orders.

I hope to hear from you soon!
Have a great weekend peeps!
Ur Baker Chris

Thursday, April 03, 2008

155. Cheese bone??

Maine made a (last minute - haha!) request for one of her lovely pet dog's 3rd birthday and I am glad I took this order. As it was of a novelty shape, I got to snitch some cake to try and *woowee*, was it yummy!

Under that fresh cream layer is a rich and creamy Walnut Cheesecake - make that Pure Walnut cheesecake! My dad got to try some too and I think he was secretly hoping he would get more of it, but alas, it was for babe Maine and her doggies.

Happy Birthday Royce! You're looking smart! Do enjoy your treat!

154. Gingerbread Men

Before I get too busy and forget to do this, here's a picture of GINGERBREAD MEN that a good gal pal's mom makes for sale.

They're really yummy - I've tried them myself - and oh so cute! Mind you, Auntie Cecilia takes alot of time and effort to diligently pipe designs onto each cookie. No two designs are exactly the same. I'm not sure if I should be posting her mobile number up here, but for now, if anyone's interested to buy, email me and I'll forward your enquiry to her. Please remember to provide a contact number, so she can get back to you, ya!

Chris e Baker