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Saturday, March 15, 2008

153. Opera Macarons

I haven't been all that well these 2 weeks and was looking forward to the weekend. Today was supposed to be a lazy Saturday - I was going to spend it catching up on my lack of rest and hopefully quickly recuperate from my backahes by napping. But alas! It wasn't meant to be.

The Hubs requested for me to make these, using a recipe he personally selected off Tastespotting. Opera macarons! They're made with egg whites, sugar, ground almonds and ground hazelnuts. Each pair of shells were filled with Coffee buttercream and a Dark Chocolate ganache centre. It was real yummy! A little sweet, but good nonetheless! The Hubs and both Brother-in-laws said they were "Damn good lah"! Success!

I'm not too sure if I really want to start making these for orders, but do enquire if you're interested. If your required quantity is good as a batch, I will consider making them again - and this time round, with as much less sugar as I can possibly get out of the recipe as possible, without screwing up its texture!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

152. Rubik Cube

Making this Chocolate fudge cake was real fun! 'Cept the fun I had was mixing up the colours of the cube. *Grin* I'm not sure if it's a solvable cube though - I'll leave that to the expert, E's husband! Blessed marriage you both!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

151. Subaru car

I always enjoy making Maine's orders as she gives me clear ideas of what she wants, but at the same time, allow me the freedom to design her yummies. She's most generous with her loved ones and I'm glad I've had many opportunities to cater to many of her celebrations!

Here's the latest for her partner, KW. It's made to replicate his set of wheels. I was provided with several pictures taken during the celebration and was given positive feedback for it. Most important feedback of all? "It's not so sweet!" *Woot* Thanks babe!

Saturday, March 01, 2008

150. Full month gifts

In present times of "modernity", ang ku kuehs and red eggs for darling baby's full month as gifts are no longer considered the "in" thing. R & husband was one such couple who broke away from the norm and gave away little novelty cakes instead.
They asked me to propose something and this was what I came up with - Moist Banana Chocolate Chip cake with Lemon cream cheese icing, topped with customised handmade marzipan baby booties & a milk bottle. Each cake was finished with baby's name & date of birth.

Happy full month Mark!